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                  ions) and decreases with inhibition of hydrogen evolution in the reaction of cathodic

                  depolarization due to competitive adsorption (presence of О 2, NO 3 ) and increase of
                  barrier properties of surface films of corrosion products (presence of О 2, РО 4 , СО 3 ).
                  Therefore,  hydrogen  embrittlement  caused  by  evolution  of  hydrogen  due  to  the

                  reduction reaction of bicarbonate ions is the main mechanism of both the nucleation

                  and  development  of  corrosion-static  fracture  of  the  17Г1С  steel  in  bicarbonate

                  aqueous solutions.

                         Based  on  the  analysis  of  the  influence  of  anions  (at  a  concentration  of

                  0.005 N) added to 0.01 N NaHCO 3 solution on the characteristics of restoring the

                  equilibrium state of the metal of freshly deformed surface of the 17Г1С steel under

                  corrosion  potential  (maximum  dissolution  current  І 0,  current  drop  rate  S  and

                  quantity of electricity for metal oxidation of the deformed surface q) a correlation

                  between the resistance to initiation of corrosion fatigue crack in the 17Г1С steel

                  from the stress concentrator and the rate of electrochemical relaxation of freshly

                  deformed surface has been revealed. It indicates a determining effect of fracture of

                  surface protective films and dissolution rate of freshly deformed steel surface on its

                  corrosion fracture durability.

                         An electrochemical express method for predicting corrosion fracture durability

                  of  ferritic-perlite  pipeline  steels  in  bicarbonate  environments  depending  on  their

                  composition has been developed. It is based on the established correlation between the

                  resistance  to  initiation  of  corrosion  fatigue  crack  and  of  electricity  for  metal

                  oxidation of the deformed surface under corrosion potential.

                         It  has  been  found  that  at  low  loading  cycle  asymmetry  (R  =  0.1)  0.01 N

                  NaHCO 3  solution  has  almost  no  effect  on  the  rate  of  fatigue  crack  growth  in  the

                  17Г1С steel, and at high loading cycle asymmetry (R = 0.9) – increases the rate of

                  crack growth due to superposition of mechanisms of corrosion fatigue and corrosion-

                  static fracture.

                         It  has  been  established  that  the  common  mechanism  of  crack propagation
                  under both cyclic and static loading of the 17Г1С steel in 0.01 N NaHCO 3 solution

                  with  anion  additions  (at  a  concentration  of  0.005  N)  Cl ,  СО 3 ,  РО 4 ,  NO 3   is
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