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                     Ключові  слова:  армко  залізо,  сталь  У8,  сталь  45,  сірководень,  сульфіди

               заліза, перенапруга, корозія, наводнювання, корозійне розтріскування.


                     Holovei S. A. Iron sulphides influence on corrosion and hydrogenation of carbon

               steels and their hydrogen sulphide corrosion cracking. – Qualification scientific work

               with the manuscript copyright.

                      The thesis for a candidate of technical sciences degree in specialty 05.17.14

               «Chemical  resistance  of  materials  and  corrosion  protection».  –  Karpenko  Physico-

               mechanical institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, 2018.

                      The thesis of establishment to solve scientific and technical problems of the

               relationship  between  the  rate  of  oxidation-reduction  reactions  and  steels

               hydrogenation of different structures in the presence of iron sulfide on the surface in

               chloride-acetate  hydrogen  sulfide  media  and  determination  of  their  resistance  to

               hydrogen sulfide corrosion cracking and the main factors on it influencing is devoted.

                      The thesis is dedicated to correlation of the oxidation-reduction reactions rate

               and hydrogenation of steels with a different structures in chloride-acetate hydrogen
               sulphide media, taking into account the presence of iron sulphide on the surface of

               steels. The resistance of steels to hydrogen sulphide corrosion cracking is determined.
               A  well-known  scheme  of  the  mechanism  of  hydrogen  sulphide  influence  on

               increasing of corrosion rate and steels hydrogenation has been supplemented.
                      The  oxidation-reduction  reactions  of  Sulfur  have  been  established  by  cyclic

               voltampermetry  method.  These  reactions  can  influence  on  corrosion  rate  and

               hydrogenation of steels in a sodium sulphide solution with the inert glass-graphite

               electrode. It is concluded that oxidation is flowing with the release of Sulfur and the

               subsequent slowing reaction of polysulphide formation, and the restoration with the

               dissociation reaction of polysulphide ions with their previous adsorption.

                      It has been found that the potentials of anodic oxidation of hydrogen desorbed

               from  metal  and  oxidation  of  Armco  iron  to  Fe(II)  on  cyclic  voltamperograms  are

               coincided. This is confirmed by studies of Armco iron and platinum hydrogenation.
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