Page 8 - dyser_Stankevych
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               the stages and mechanisms of fracture and estimation of degradation degree of structural

               materials under the influence of the various physical factors.

                     At the base of the developed in the dissertation methodology of the solids fracture

               diagnostics and their state estimation by the energy parameters of the AE signals are the

               following scientific results.

                     A general analytical solution of the problem of elastic waves propagation initiated

               by the displacement of the opposite surfaces of the penny-shaped cracks relative to their

               center in a three-layer composite structure is constructed using the boundary  integral

               equations method.

                     The  problem  for  three  typical  partial  cases  of  multilayered  composites  (“la-

               yer+halfspace  with  crack”,  “layer+layer  with  crack”,  “layer+layer+halfspace  with

               crack”) was solved numerically. It assisted to study the dynamics of wave processes on

               the  composite  surface  and  to  create  the  preconditions  for  efficient  use  of  the  elastic

               wave’s parameters during the TD of products and elements of structures.

                     The displacement fields on the surface of multilayered composites depend on the

               elastic characteristics and geometric dimensions of their components, the frequency of

               displacement of the crack surfaces, the distance from the observation point to the fractu-

               re epicenter and the depth of the crack in the composite. Taking into account of these

               dependencies makes it possible to determine the features of fracture in the composite

               and to create new methods of AE-diagnostics of products and structural elements.

                     A new method of local features estimation of AE signals is developed, which is

               based  on  the  determination  of  the  energy  parameters  of  the  local  maximums  of  the

               signals continuous WT. It has been found out that the AE signal energy parameter, its

               frequency and duration of radiation of are enough informative characteristics to identify
               types and mechanisms of the signal generation.

                     A new energy criterion for quantitative estimation of the materials macrofracture
               types based on the energy parameter of WT of AE signals has been constructed. So, the

               AE signals with energy parameter  E       WT     , 0  01 correspond to the ductile fracture, with

               energy  parameter  ,0   01 E  WT     1 , 0   –  to  the  ductile-brittle  (microcracking)  and  with
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