Page 22 - Avtoref_KDys_MelnykMI
P. 22


                  The  thesis  is  devoted  to  solution  of  the  topical  and  practically  important
            scientific and technical problem of non-destructive inspection of complex protection
            against corrosion of underground metal structures.
                  On  the  basis  of  the  solution  of  the  electrodynamics  boundary  problem,  it  is
            determined the dependences of effective capacitance of an insulated metal cylinder

            in electro-conductive medium on the electrophysical parameters of field’s structure
            and frequency. It allows reasonable choosing the field’s frequency for determination
            of  the  ohmic  component  of  potential.  It  is  shown  that  the  solutions  of  the
            electrodynamics’  problem  with  taking  into  account  the  dependence  of  the  field
            distribution  on  frequency  should  be  used for calculation of the capacitance of the
            metal construction with insulating cover in weakly conductive environment instead
            of formulae based on the equations for electrostatic field of a charged body.
                  The method of determining the polarization potential of the metal surface in the
            electrolytic  environment  by  measurement  of  direct  and  alternating  voltages  and
            harmonic  factor  determination  for  extraction  of  the  ohmic  component  has  been
            developed for control of the electrochemical protection against corrosion. It is found
            by comparison of the actual values of the transition resistance components for the
            underground pipelines (UP) that application of the proposed method of polarization
            potential  determination  for  insulating  cover’s  transition  specific  resistance
            <10  Om·m  is rightful for AC voltage frequency in range of 2 ... 2000 Hz.
                  It  is  created  the  VPP-M  equipment  with  the  coordinates  determining  module
            and the memory for contact measurements of direct and alternate electrical voltages
            which  determines  the  polarization  potential  with  the  eliminated  ohmic  component
            and  does  not  need  deactivation  of  cathodic  protection  (CP)  unit  and  using  a
            compensator of voltage drop in  an environment or stationary reference electrodes.
            The  equipment  VPP-M  allows  quickly  to  obtain  a  quantitative  information  about

            corrosion protection in different sections of UP and to detect the damaged insulation
            of UP by the known methods of Pearson and gradient. Combined utilization of VPP-
            M  equipment  together  with BVC-K equipment makes it possible to determine  the
            along-the-line  distribution  of  both  DC  density  of  CP  and  the  insulating  cover’s
            transition specific resistance in different sections of the UP. In case of DC protection
            it can be modulated by the signal with selected frequency or the AC generator can be
                  Metrological studies confirmed compliance the technical specifications of VPP-
            M equipment with standard requirements for UP inspection’s equipment. It is found
            that the main relative error of potential measurements within four channels does not
            exceed 1.2%.
                  Created  VPP-M  equipment  was  used  in  the  field  tests  and  experimental
            inspection  on  routes  of  underground  pipelines.  It  was  confirmed  by  the
            corresponding acts and the joint scientific publications.

                  Keywords:  underground  pipelines,  combined  inspection,  measuring  of
            electrical  voltage,  polarizing  potential,  error, mathematical  model, electromagnetic
            field, insulation, corrosion protection.
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